CONFERENCE + PROCEEDINGS – April 2015 - Monterrey (Mexico)
Conference presentation - “UDESIGN PARADIGMA 6th International Conference of Art, Architecture and Design”, April 22nd – 24nd, 2015.
Paper title: “Multidimensional landscape. Interpreting and representing Tirana’s accidental Landscape through an immersive perspective”.
Conference Proceedings (under review, expected publication, 12.2015).
CHAPTER IN BOOK - January 2015 - Tirana (AL)
“Tirana’s landscape through the lens of time, space and movement”. “DURANA. Albania’s New Sustainable Image. Branding Tirana-Rinas Corridor,
Research Project Joint International PhD Program POLIS University, Albania – Ferrara University, Italy, pp. 99-127, Tirana (AL), Ed. Pegi.
REPORT – 2015 - Tirana (AL)
“Polis Grows Green. Reuse, Repurpose and Rethink”.
In Forum A+P n°15 Tirana Design Week, pp.72-77. Tirana (AL), Ed. Pegi.
CONFERENCE – October 2014 - Pristina (KOS)
Conference presentation - “Eco Week Pristina 2104”, Modelarium – Faculty of Architecture.
Lecture title: “Energy Efficient Retrofits – Strategies aimed for improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings and public spaces”.
REVIEW – June 2012 - YIA Catalogue
Publication of ungroup profile and projects – “YIA – Young Italian Architects”, Edizione Forme Libere, Trento.
AWARD – 14 December 2011 – Ferrara (IT)
At the Architecture Department of the Ferrara University the project for the refurbishment of the “Rampa della Purità” / “Ramp of Purity” won the Special Prize “Progettazione per Tutti” - Premio IQU-Innovazione e Qualità Urbana (VII Edition), Special prize of the jury for Accessibility. The Prize is sponsored by Maggioli Editore, and it has the aim of developing a comparison between design innovation strategies applied to the urban, territorial and architectural patrimony. The project was selected among about fifty entries.
Design team: COdESIGN with Loris Rossi e Laura Pedata.
::Read the article on
JURY – December 2011 – Rome (IT)
Jury Member at the ADA: Architecture Dissertation Award 2011 Competition – AWR Competitions.
::Link to competition website::
LECTURE – 23 November 2011 – Tirana (Albania) – POLIS International School of Architecture & Urban Development Policies
Lecture on retrofitting strategies aimed at improving the energy performance of buildings and public spaces.
The aim of this lecture was to introduce general knowledge and INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS AND COMPONENTS
aimed at improving the energy efficiency of buildings, public (in between) spaces, marginal spaces and urban voids.
::Link to lecture contents on
WEB – October 2011 Rome (IT) – Newitalianblood
pro-arch featured on the web magazine “Newitalianblood” – programmazione e organizzazione concorsi + rivista interattiva.
ARTICLE – October 2011 – Weekend Made Milano Magazine
Pedata L., “Dalla Creatività dei Giovani un Futuro per l’Arredo di Domani”, in the Magazine “Weekend Made – Milano”, n°2, October 2011, pag. 20.
LECTURE – September 2011 – Rome (IT) – MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI sec.
Lecture at the “MAXXI – Architecture Talks Rome” – MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo – Via Guido Reni 4A – in this occasion the new group Pro-arch was presented to the public ( event promoted Italian Architecture and Research.
::Watch the video on
::Link to lecture contents on
TUTOR+JURY MEMBER – June 2011 – Rome (IT) – University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Tutor and Jury member at the International Workshop “PRATI GROWS UP” – Rome 20-24 June 2011. University of Rome “La Sapienza” – Rome (IT).
::Link to the pratigrowsup website::
LECTURE by A G E N C Y (NY) “Notes on the Margin” – 3 May 2011 – Rome (IT) – University of Rome “La Sapeinza” (Piazza Borghese, 9).
Lecture by A G E N C Y (Ersela Kripa, Stephen Mueller) at the Main Hall of the Architecture Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” – part of the “Lecture Series on Urban farming” Organized by Arch. Laura Pedata for the Final Synthesis Studio in Environmental Architecture 2010/11.
EXHIBITION – May 2011 - Cagliari (IT) – Young Italian Architects
At the Centro d’Arte e cultura – FuGa_ officina dell’ Architettura. Exhibition on projects.
::Link to Fuga officina dell’architettura::
LECTURE by Fritz Haeg “Cultivating the City & Welcoming the Wild” – 4 February 2011 – Rome (IT) – University of Rome “La Sapeinza” (via Giuanturco, 2).
Lecture by Fritz Haeg at the Architecture Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” – part of the “Lecture Series on Urban farming” Organized by Arch. Laura Pedata for the Final Synthesis Studio in Environmental Architecture 2010/11.
REVIEW – December 2010 - L’Arca Magazine
Publication of ungroup profile and projects – special number for the under 35 competition “Young Italian Architects 2010” – on “L’Arca” 12/2010, n° 264, p. 8.
REVIEW – October 2010 - Materiali Progettati Catalogue
Publication of New Maribor Art Gallery-UGM, E_scape house e Lungomare di Termoli projects in the Catalogue “Materiali Progettati – speciale mostra ventisette trentasette – rassegna internazionale di giovani architetti italiani”, by Nicoletta Mairo, Tre P ceramiche edizioni, 2010.
LECTURE – August / October 2010 - Venice and Rome (IT)
Lecture and Award Ceremony at “Young Italian Architects 2010” at the IUAV University in Venice and at the Acquario Romano, Casa dell’Architettura in Rome, presenting works by ungroup and receiving an award.
EXHIBITION – September 2010 – Shanghai (China)
Selected to show projects at the Italian Pavilion EXPO 2010 for the exhibition: Ventisettetrentasette. Rassegna Internazionale di Giovani Architetti Italiani in Shanghai.
::Link to Professione Architetto::
EXHIBITION – December 2009 - Rome (IT)
Three projects from ungroup (E_Scape House, Piccole Stazioni Ferroviarie and Lungomare di Termoli) were selected for the Ventisettetretnatsette – Rassegna Internazionale di Giovani Architetti Romani – the exhibition took place in Rome the 14 December 2009 at the Roman Architect’s Guild.
::Link to Casa dell’Architettura::
LECTURE – September 2009 - Genoa (IT)
Visiting Professor at the Summer Design Workshop “GE/TS/09 PROGETTARE IN COSTA” – Genoa and Trieste Architecture Faculties, Genoa, Italy.
ARTICLE – June 2009 – Rome (IT) - Living Roome Magazine
Pedata L., “Ambassador’s House”, in “Living Roome – Interior Design Magazine”, n°17, June 2009, p. 60.
EXHIBITION – May 2009 - Sofia (Bulgaria)
Two projects from ungroup (E_Scape House and Small Railway Stations) were selected for the XII – World Triennial of Architecture – the exhibition took place in Sofia form May 17th–20th, 2009.
REVIEW – May 2009 - Ventisettetrentasette, Rassegna Internazionale di Giovani Architetti Romani Catalogue
Publication of E_scape house, Lungomare di Termoli e Piccole Stazioni Ferroviarie projects in the Exhibition Catalogue “ventisette trentasette – rassegna internazionale di giovani architetti romani”, by Nicoletta Mairo and Roberto Mairo, Prospettive edizioni, 2009.
EXHIBITION – May 2009 - Seville (Spain)
Three projects from ungroup (E_Scape House, Piccole Stazioni Ferroviarieand Lungomare di Termoli) were selected for the Ventisettetretnatsette – Rassegna Internazionale di Giovani Architetti Romani – the exhibition took place in Seville the 21st of May 2009.
::Link to Ordine Architetti di Roma::
EXHIBITION – March 2009 - Los Angeles, California (USA)
Research Studio Final Project WINNER of the 2009 2×8:SKIN Exhibition of the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA/LA) – project included in the temporary exhibition held on March 26 th, 2009 at Pacific Design Center in Los Angeles.
EXHIBITION+AWARD – January 2009 – Campomarino, CB (IT)
Award received and exhibition of the “Riqualificazione dell’asse attrezzato via Sereni, porticciolo turistico” competition. Exhibition of the project.
LECTURE – October 2008 – Rome (IT)
Ungroup project “Small Railway Stations” featured at the 7 LESSONS CYCLE ON: “Technological Innovation for Architecture, City and Environment”. The theme of the lecture was “Technology and Environment on Transportation infrastructures” – lecturer Prof. Alessandra Battisti from University of Rome “Sapienza”.
EXHIBITION – April 2008 – Los Angeles, California (USA)
Exhibition of the Design Studio Project Boards in the “Fall Currents” Exhibition – 1317 Perloff Hall, 365 Portola Plaza, 90095 Los Angeles (CA).
REVIEW – May 2007 - L’Arca Magazine
Publication of the project presented at the “Concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene” (International Competition for the Fregene Waterfront Requalification).
EXHIBITION+AWARD – May 2007 – Giavera del Montello, TV (Italy)
Award received for the “Concorso di idee per la riqualificazione della piazza Comunale di Giavera del Montello”, competition. Exhibition of the project.
ARTICLE – March/April 2007 - AR Magazine
Pedata L., Publication of Research Work on innovative materials, in “AR bimestrale dell’ordine degli architetti Roma e provincia”, n°70/07 year XLII, March/April 2007, p. 17.
EXHIBITION+AWARD – March 2007 – Rome (IT)
Exhibition at the Roman Architect’s Guild (Acquario Romano) for the “Lungomare di Fregene – concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene” Competition – Casa dell’Architettura”, piazza Manfredo Fanti 47, Rome.
::Link to Casa dell’Architettura::
REVIEW – March 2007 – Lungomare di Fregene – concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene Catalogue
Publication of the project in the catalogue “Lungomare di Fregene – concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene” (International Competition for the Fregene Waterfront Requalification), Collana Concorsi by Paola Di Giuliomaria, Prospettive edizioni, 2007.
REVIEW - 2007 - BioArch.TV Web Portal
Publication of the project presented at the “Concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene” (International Competition for the Fregene Waterfront Requalification).
REVIEW – December 2006 - AR Bimestrale dell’Ordine degli Architetti Roma e Provincia Magazine
Publication of the project presented at the “Concorso internazionale di progettazione per la riqualificazione del lungomare di Fregene” (International Competition for the Fregene Waterfront Requalification).
REVIEW – 2005 – La Riqualificazione del Lungomare di Roma, ConcorsoInternazionale di Idee Catalogue
Publication of the project in the catalogue “La Riqualificazione del Lungomare di Roma”, concorso internazionale di idee” (Rome Waterfront Requalification – International ideas competition) – Regione Lazio, Municipio Roma XIII, by Maria Rosaria Guarini, Capitolina Service srl., 2005.
ARTICLE – January 2002 – Web Magazine
Pedata L., “Dall’alfa-principio all’e-principio fino all’e-world”, in the Forum “Coffee Break” by Prof. Antonino Saggio, January 2002.