Cultural Pole_Fiesso d’Artico
::Architecture Competition for a Cultural and Recreational Pole::
The building rises and takes its shape from the ground, reaching a contained height in order to avoid disturbing the view. The building folds itself toward the internal part of the area creating a public square that will house outdoor fares and cultural events, and an area for outdoor concerts and theatrical representations. The main building wraps the allotment in a symbolic hug that attracts the pedestrian fluxes coming from the town center in the attempt of mending the urban structure and avoiding the strong impact of existing buildings. The projects aims at creating a unitary and flexible architectural element capable of satisfying functional and economical requirements at the same time, but most of all, a structure capable of giving a new impulse to the cultural and recreational life of the town.
Awards: -
Location: Fiesso d’Artico (Venice)
Description: Senior community Centre, Public library, Auditorium,
Area for outdoor activities
Client: Municipality of Fiesso d’Artico
Role: consultant for bioclimatic and typological aspects, design team member
Budget: 900.000 €
Surface: 12.000 sq m
Year: January 2007
With: Loris Rossi, Gabriele Misso, Ascanio Perugini.
Consultants: Ivan Tabbo, Lamberto Nicoletti.
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Related links: europaconcorsi